Disclaimer: The ideas, opinions, and conclusions contained in every discussion piece remain mine and mine alone(Henry Eshemokhai Aviomoh) and do not represent that of any organisation I work for.


Here are discussions about economic events especially those pertaining to sub-Saharan African countries (mostly Nigeria and Ghana). Please feel free to leave constructive comments in the comment section and be respectful of others.

“I do not see how one can look at figures like these without seeing them as representing possibilities. Is there some action a government could take that would lead the Indian economy to grow like Indonesia’s or Egypt’s? If so, what exactly? If … so? The consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering: Once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else” - Robert Lucas

“For a nation, the choices that determine whether income doubles in one generation or two dwarf all other economic policy concerns” - Paul Romer